Observing the people around me, all I can see are different types of human interactions. Despite how people have similar features, everybody always has unique characteristics that make them special. Sometimes the unique differences create insecurities and toxic comparisons. When people are caught up in their differences, they try to hide a part of themselves. A mask is formed in the process and it is intended to help them blend in with their communities.

It is normal how people always relate their current experiences to their past memories. A brain holds an individual’s consciousness while we constantly use our brain to explore and learn more about ourselves (Moore). A part of me is scared of being different while another part of my subconscious tells me to be myself. As humans, we are naturally curious about the world around us which pushes us to raise our awareness of not being different.

Growing up as a child, I was the only one in my family who was left handed. After clashing with other people while doing daily movements, I felt ashamed and awkward about it. Eventually, I forced myself to learn to use my right hand and be normal but I was never comfortable. I was curious whether or not I was really the only left handed person and learned that others were forced to become right handed. At that time, I always wondered whether it was better to be comfortable and embrace who I was or change to be like others.

The process of discovering the truth can sometimes be painful to the point I would try to deceive myself. It is because of my fear of facing my family’s disapproval that I bury part of my knowledge deep down in my heart. While doing so, it causes me stress and pain because I know how they would react if they found out. They are quite traditional and place emphasis on culture. The part of me I am hiding, definitely breaks tradition and I have seen how they reacted to others in similar situations. However, regardless of how society judges a person, it is important to be comfortable with who we are. Everyday, we are learning more about ourselves. People could be scared of others not accepting them for who they are or fear facing disappointment. Individuals need to learn that the most important thing in life is accepting ourselves and embracing who we are. Other opinions about themselves don’t matter and shouldn’t be the cause of unhappiness. Curiosity drives us to continue to learn and explore about ourselves and our identities. Masks are only temporary solutions to hiding ourselves from the truth. Eventually, the mask will break and when we are ready, we can be our true selves. This is why I am trying to embrace myself and focus on self care. I hope one day, I am courageous enough to reveal a part of myself to my family when I am ready despite the backlash I may face. Living life to the fullest and being myself is the most important and if my family can’t accept me for who I am, then it is their loss and other people’s gain.

Moore, Chasa M. “Conscious and Consciousness.” The Brain, the Nervous System, and Their Diseases, edited by Jennifer L. Hellier, vol. 1, Greenwood, 2015, pp. 289-293. Gale eBooks, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX6174400087/GVRL?u=wash_main&sid=bookmark-GVRL&xid=3c674aac. Accessed 29 Nov. 2021.

Shared by: JL

Item Credit: Jenny Luong