1. Why is the group of students that you chose to research important?

This group of students is important to research because there are many different kinds of students with disabilities and it is important to spread awareness. It is also very important to make sure that these students feel supported and in order to do that we have to know different ways and resources that we can use to help to support the students in our classroom and in all student settings. It is important that we know how we can create an incisive space that makes everyone feel comfortable and capable of doing things on their own without help. We also have to make sure that they are able to be a part of things and feel they are successful and capable. 

  1. Provide a brief history of the educational organization that you

have researched along with the purpose of the organization?

The arc is in Snohomish Washington that advocates and gets resources for students with disabilities. They began doing this in 1943 as parents who thought that more needed to be said and that more could be done knowing that their children could not always properly advocate for themselves they wanted to create something that would speak loudly for itself and represent students with disabilities. 

  1. Whom do they serve?

They serve children and adults who have disabilities and speak out to get better resources and invoke change. They want to make sure that people are hearing about what can be changed to provide a more accessible environment for students with disabilities. They want to make sure that students with disabilities have a sense of leadership. They want to make sure that students with disabilities are heard.

  1. What programs do they offer?

They offer guidance for individuals with disabilities who want to live on their own. This can be very important for college students with disabilities. Allowing students to have resources and a safe space to live away from home will allow them to feel successful in their education away from home. It allows them the opportunity tobe included in a college education and live away from home. Some students with disabilities may need assistance in living away from home. As well as financial resources for students with disabilities that are living away from home such as help with internet and phone bills and lower rent. 

They have sibling support which allows siblings of children with disabilities to get support as well and advocate and share new ideas with one another.

They have a program that allows parents to get a buddy to gain support in advocating for their child. This is important because some parents do not know where to start and this is a great stepping stone. 

Another program that they have is a self advocacy program that allows the students with disabilities to to be heard. It gives them a chance to feel empowered and talk about their experiences and speak up for what they need. 

  1. What could they do better?

This organization is great and I loved reading it. I think that it should be more known. The only thing I think they could do better is organize their information and resources in a more organized and clear way. 

  1. Was information about the organization accessible? Red flags?

Yes the information was accessible there were no red flags. This is an organization that truly wants to help children speak up for themselves

Shared by: Emily D

Item Credit: The Arc Snohomish County https://www.arcsno.org/programs/self-advocacy-l-e-a-d-coalition Photo: The arc Snohomish County https://www.arcsno.org/programs/self-advocacy-l-e-a-d-coalition