The reason why immigrants, especially displaced immigrant children, are important to study is because they do not have a cultural understanding of our systems. When your family comes from a completely different country, schools aren’t run the same way. With this being said it is usually a struggle for parents to teach their kids skills they need for school here. The group I am focusing on specifically is unaccompanied asylum seeking migrant children, with no family to guide them they struggle even more. Being alone in an unfamiliar place is something no child should experience. Because they are alone, their rights are often trampled. It is common for these children to be denied their right to non discrimination, development, health and so many more.

KIND – Kids in need of defense, was established in 2008. It was founded by Angelina Jolie and Brad Smith. They have offices all over the USA, Europe and Mexico. KIND tries to help meet the “multifaceted” needs of unaccompanied children. They address these needs in several ways. Their biggest one being legal protection. They have resources for pro bono legal services from major law firms, law schools and corporations to defend unaccompanied children. They have resources to help aid the psychological damage the children may have endured during their travels. They also have social support, they help children with language, adjusting to the new country and even finding homes. KIND has many other programs, another notable one being “Voices that matter most.” This program was created so that refugee children could develop their stories from their migration to help reclaim their power. Another Program they have is a research and education one. They go around researching and educating the public on the root causes of the migration of children, they also call people to action to defend more children in need. On top of all of these resources they also offer family separation response support and have policy advocating to make sure children are treated fairly while in the US immigration system. 

I have almost no critique besides the little to no advertisement, I think this is an incredible resource, especially for schools because that’s where we find children who need help but I have never heard of this organization before this post. The information on this page was very easy to find and it was very easy to navigate the site, it is very well made. I was also able to find financial information and legal documents very easily on the site. Very transparent, which is definitely a green flag.



Media Description: Picture of a family holding hands on a beach, three children and presumably their father.

Shared by: Makda Daniel

Item Credit: Challenges for children in the U.S. education system - Erica Greenberg, 2023 The education of immigrant children - Mary Tamer, 2014 Photo by Eric Masur from Unsplash