Why I decided to write about this topic is because my brother was a first generation student and I wanted to know if there were programs that help him and my family since he was the first in my family. 


The Puget Sound College and Career Network (PSCCN) in Washington State is dedicated to improving the educational and career prospects of students in the Puget Sound region. The network was created through a joint initiative of various educational institutions, workforce development organizations, and community stakeholders.


How their program model works is that they actually have a program model. There are 34 stages in it which are pre college which the goal is to increase the readiness for college, college transition and enrollment milestones, the goal of it is to increase college enrollment. Lastly, college retention and completion milestones which the goal of it will increase college completion.



One way they should be able to do this is to expand the team, the reason for this is that the team is made up of 7 people which I believe that they could add more people to improve the program as a whole.

Shared by: Don Destiny

Item Credit: Puget Sound College and Career Network, https://www.psccn.org/