The group of students I chose to research are students of color.  There are many reasons why students of color are important, one reason is they provide diversity to the classroom. Students of color can bring different perspectives and experiences to a classroom that they would otherwise not have. 

The Education trust is the organization I researched, it was founded in 1996 and is based in Washington D.C. Their organizations purpose is to improve equity in schools and to increase the political and public will to build an education system where students will thrive. They are also committed to advancing polices and practices to dismantle the racial and economical barriers that are built into the education system.

The Education trust serves and speaks up for the students. They believe that many students have needs and potential that are overlooked and they speak up and support them. The main students they support and serve are students of color and students whose parents or guardian have low income. 

They do not provide programs for these students. They instead try to focus on the main issues that directly effect these students. If they can fix the education system that is unfair and unjust toward certain students it will positively impact these students making it so the use of programs are not needed. They analyze data and use what they learn to build a bigger understanding of  learning gaps and then the actions to close those gaps.

I think that only trying to focus on the big picture is something that something that they could do better. It is important to focus on the big issues because it can fix more of the smaller issues if solved, but until then there are ways to support and serve these students that they believe need help.

The organization had what their goals were and what they wanted to do very accessible on their website. Something that was harder to find was exactly what they are doing to go through with their mission and fulfill their core belief’s. To find out more information on this i had to go into individual blog posts and articles that dove deeper into what they were doing. They also had no history on their website and I had to go to other websites to find information on that. 

Media Description: Child Writing in class

Shared by: Calvin Seraile

Item Credit: Santi Vedrí, Who we are. The Education Trust. (2023, August 3). ,The Education Trust. InfluenceWatch. (2022, January 4).,andEducationTrustNewYork.