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The Feminist Digital Center, co-curated by Dr. Julie Shayne and Denise Hattwig, is a hub for student feminist scholarship at UW Bothell. The Feminist Digital Center brings together student feminist research, digital scholarship, writing, and reflections created by UW Bothell students since 2015. Projects you’ll find here include the Feminist Community Archive of Washington, Feminist Archive Exhibits, Badass Womxn and Enbies in the Pacific Northwest zines, student reflections, public writing, and more.


Founding Contributors

Dr. Julie Shayne
Teaching Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Bothell

Denise Hattwig
Head of Digital Scholarship, UW Bothell/Cascadia Library, UW Libraries and University of Washington Bothell

Student Leads

Bri Fero, 2024 | Badass Womxn and Enbies in the Pacific Northwest, Vol. 3

Lo Radclyffe, 2024 | Feminist Archive Exhibits

Tessa Denton, 2022-2023 | Feminist Archive Exhibits, Feminist Digital Center website

John Emerton, 2022-2023 | Badass Womxn and Enbies in the Pacific Northwest, Vol. 2

Jesse Blaire, 2021-2022 | Feminist Archive Exhibits

Nicole Carter, 2019-2020 | Badass Womxn in the Pacific Northwest zine, Vol. 1

Taylor Hiner, 2017-2018 | Feminist Community Archive of Washington

Library Contributors

Hannah Mendro, Materials Processing Lead, UW Bothell/Cascadia Library, University of Washington Bothell | Feminist Archive Exhibits, Feminist Digital Center, Feminist Community Archive of Washington

Mary Schibig, Digital Collections Specialist, UW Bothell/Cascadia Library, University of Washington Bothell
Feminist Community Archive of Washington

Penelope Wood, Research & Instruction Librarian, UW Bothell/Cascadia Library, University of Washington Bothell
Feminist Archive Exhibits, Badass Zines

Kat Wyly, Research & Instruction Librarian, UW Bothell/Cascadia Library, University of Washington Bothell
Feminist Archive Exhibits

Publications and Presentations

Julie Shayne, 2024, “‘Sharing Our Stories Loosens the Grip they Have on Us’: Watching Students Claim Voice to Power,” in Ms. Magazine

Julie Shayne, 2022, “Archiving Feminist Truth in Trump’s Wake of Lies,” in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 1(44).

Leah Curtis, 2022, “Stories of Pride From Trevor Project Volunteer Digital Counselor Leah Curtis,” in The Trevor Project News blog.

Julie Shayne, 2022, “Teaching Students to Write Their Rage,” in Ms. Magazine.

Julie Shayne, 2020, “Persistence is Resistance: Celebrating 50 Years of Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies,” in Pressbooks.

Gabrielle Fox, 2020, “Pull Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps” an American Mythology,” in The CROW.

Elizabeth Schnedele, 2020, “Men and Masculinities: A Case Study of Mass Shootings in the United States,” in The CROW.

Elizabeth Schnedele, 2020, “My Story: Why I Vote,” in UWB Home page.

Samantha Plank, 2019, “Growing Up a Lesbian in the Age of Trump,” in The Stranger.

Julie Shayne, Denise Hattwig, Dave Ellenwood, Taylor Hiner, 2018, “Creating counter archives: the University of Washington Bothell’s Feminist Community Archives of Washington Project” in Feminist Teacher 27(1).


“Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies has a major presence at the Student Academic Showcase!” 2023, IAS News.

“The power of publishing,” 2023, UW Bothell News.

“Students make meaning in digital landscapes,” 2022, UW Bothell News.

Dr. Julie Shayne publishes piece about her class The Power of Feminist Writing,” 2022, IAS News.

“A literary lens on gender, race and power,” 2022, UW Bothell News.

“Julie Shayne presents two Pressbooks projects during Open Education (OE) Week,” 2022, IAS News.

“United States Senator Patty Murray receives her copy of Badass Womxn in the Pacific Northwest!,” 2020, IAS News.

“The making of a feminist zine,” 2019, UW Bothell News.

“Julie Shayne co-publishes paper in the Feminist Teacher,” 2018, IAS News.

Project Technologies

The Feminist Digital Center website:
WordPress, Customify Theme, Jetpack and One Click Accessibility Plugins, hosted by UW Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Platforms (Reclaim Hosting)

Feminist Community Archive of Washington:
UW Bothell/UW Libraries Digital Collections (CONTENTdm hosted by OCLC)

Badass Zines:
Pressbooks, hosted by UW Libraries’ UW Pressbooks (PressbooksEDU)

Feminist Archive Exhibits:
Omeka, hosted by UW Libraries’ Digital Scholarship Platforms (Reclaim Hosting)

Image Credits

Home page gallery:

Feminist Archive Exhibits homepage gallery:

Feminist Archive Exhibits gallery:

Additional credits appear in image captions throughout the site.

About the Colors

The banner for the Feminist Digital Center is designed to reflect aspects of the FDC’s intentions.

The shades of green on the left side represent the reproductive rights and abortion rights movement, a color that originates from the activism of feminists in Argentina. It has spread across Latin America and the world.

The light purple and lavender shades in the center represent the LGBTQIA+ community, as lavender and purple are historically significant colors in queer history to symbolize and flag queer identity and spaces.

The dark purple on the right side represents the University of Washington, Bothell, as a way of recognizing where these projects were developed and why they are housed here.

Together, these colors are more than aesthetically pleasing; they speak to the nature of inclusion that student-based feminist research and writing at UWB emphasize and embody.

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