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350 Eastside in the Archive

350 Eastside is an environmental justice organization. This chapter focuses on policy, advocacy, education, and creative direct action to ensure a sustainable, viable planet for generations to come. 350 Eastside focuses on renewable energy sources on the eastside and beyond. You can find more information on their website and connect with them on social media.

Abundance of Hope Center in the Archive

Abundance of Hope Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing services and resources to teach life skills to youth whose lives have been affected by oppression, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, homelessness and abuse. Their founder and executive staff is made up of a family of African American women who have personally faced and overcome many of the same barriers. AHC is committed to inclusion and equity in practices, policy and programming.

Cocoon House in the Archive

Cocoon House is a non-profit organization located in Snohomish County, Washington. Dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness, Cocoon House focuses on helping teens and young adults. It provides outreach to, as well as short and long-term housing for homeless young people ages 12-17 years old. More than just a safe place to sleep, teens receive help engaging in school, preparing for employment and help accessing community services. An important aspect of Cocoon House is their focus on prevention. This includes educating and supporting parents to build safe, structured environments for teens to develop. Parents of teens can also access Cocoon House to gain support for themselves and families so that young people do not become homeless. 

Cocoon House believes that Black Lives Matter and recognizes that there is no way to end youth homelessness without dismantling institutional racism. In response to the movement, their immediate next steps include: a commitment to building a staff capacity and expertise to help drive Equity and Inclusion throughout all aspects of our agency; create and lead strategic measurable actions that ensure Cocoon House is a place where youth, families, staff, and Communities of Color can thrive; Building a Race Equity Culture— one that is focused on proactively counteracting race inequities inside and outside of an organization.

Community Alliance for Global Justice in the Archive

Community Alliance for Global Justice is an environmental justice organization that focuses on agriculture and trade policies and practices imposed by governments and corporations.  This organization seeks to empower local economies through community education and mobilization of individuals and organizations to promote fair trade practices that embody social justice and sustainability.

Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County in the Archive

Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County is a private, non-profit organization  providing the only emergency shelter and comprehensive, confidential services to victims of domestic abuse without regard to age, gender, race, religion, culture, national origin, sexual orientation or income level in the area. DVS provides individual and community awareness programs which can affect the social change necessary to eliminate domestic violence throughout Snohomish County, Washington.

Families of Color Seattle in the Archive

Led by mothers of color, Families of Color Seattle is connecting parents to build a loving community of families of color. Their programs include parent groups, community resources and events, racial equity consulting, and workshops. They equip parents and educators with tools to talk with children on identity, racism, inclusion & equity, and trauma-informed practices. 

Food Not Bombs in the Archive

This mutual aid organization focuses on nonviolent direct action by using food and hot meals to protest war, poverty, and destruction of the environment across the globe. Food Not Bombs promotes veganism, vegetarianism and solidarity over charity. This Seattle chapter hosts a Free Market on Sundays and serves hot meals Saturdays and Sundays.

Gender Diversity in the Archive

Gender Diversity increases the awareness and understanding of the wide range of gender diversity in children, adolescents, and adults by providing family support, building community, increasing societal awareness, and improving the well-being for people of all gender identities and expressions. It does so by offering and providing school training, workplace training, and health care providing training. The organization works to create safe spaces for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals within institutions.

Indivisible Kirkland in the Archive

Indivisible Kirkland promotes progressive ideals to advance justice, equity, and inclusion through civic engagement at the local and state level. Quite simply, they envision a just society. The organization’s priority issues for 2020 included: climate change, gun safety, healthcare & reproductive rights, civil rights & social justice, affordable housing, and immigrant & refugee rights.

Indivisible Kirkland stands in solidarity with Black-led organizations calling for defunding the police and investing in community wellness, particularly in programs that will positively impact Black, brown, and indigenous communities. Indivisible Kirkland pledges to support the organizations, with particular emphasis on Black-led groups, who are working to defund the police and invest in marginalized communities. Our support comes in the form of financial support, policy advocacy at the local and state levels, and amplifying the work that Black and brown leaders are doing in our community. 

Ingersoll Gender Center in the Archive

Officially formed in 1977, Ingersoll is one of the oldest organizations by and for transgender and gender nonconforming communities in the United States. Ingersoll Gender Center has been building community, connecting folks to resources and advocating for communities in the Puget Sound region for over four decades. It is run by, and for transgender and gender nonconforming people and its mission is to provide mutual support through peer led support groups, advocacy in navigating resource, community organizing and education—all in the pursuit of collective self-determination. It envisions a world that nurtures healthy communities free from violence, centers self-determination for all people and celebrates all gender identities and expressions.

Mary’s Place in the Archive

This organization provides safe, inclusive shelter and services that support women, children and families on their journey out of homelessness. Since 1999, Mary’s Place has helped hundreds of women and families move out of homelessness into more stable situations. Across seven emergency shelters in King County, they help keep struggling families together, inside, and safe when they have no place else to go, providing resources, housing and employment services, community, and hope. Their Women’s Day Center provides meals, showers, laundry, access to resources, and safety. 

Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest in the Archive

Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii protects and promotes reproductive health, rights and justice. It does so by advocating for public policies that guarantee the right to choice and full and nondiscriminatory access to reproductive health care, and fostering and preserving a social and political climate favorable to the exercise of reproductive choice through voter education, candidate endorsement and other means. Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii is an independent, non profit, non partisan organization educating residents and policy-makers about reproductive health issues in Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho and Washington.

Reel Grrls in the Archive

Founded in 2001, Reel Grrls, a non-profit organization was the first media arts center in the United States focused on training girls in media production through hands-on workshops and classes taught by feminist media professionals and educators. After 19 years of serving the Seattle area, Reel Grrls will no longer be offering programs for young filmmakers.

Seattle Friends of Tostan in the Archive

Seattle Friends of Tostan empowers African communities to bring about sustainable development and social transformation. Tostan initiated their non-formal learning community because of inspiration by the work of Tostan in West Africa, and work to better understand the education and social change in developing countries and in our own lives. They want to foster interest in the Tostan model of community-based development, expand understanding of how this approach works most effectively, and how to support it.Through this model, they can ensure every person, regardless of age or gender, is able to live a life of dignity.

Snohomish County Mutual Aid Group in the Archive

This mutual aid group formed in response to the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, specifically to help those most at-risk and underrepresented: undocumented families, immigrant and refugee communities, the elderly, communities of color, indigenous communities, LGBTQ+ folks, the poor, under-employed, or unemployed, those with disabilities/compromised immune systems, families of incarcerated or detained folks, and any other marginalized people. This organization offers varied support depending on need, from grocery and medicine contactless drop offs, finding local and federal resources, connecting with community members, outreach, providing transportation, mental and emotional support, and housing referrals. 

Sunnyland Mutual Aid in the Archive

Sunnyland Mutual Aid is a neighborhood-based mutual aid project in the Sunnyland community of Bellingham, Washington. Formed in March, 2020 in response to the developing COVID-19 crisis, they are a collection of organizers, volunteers, and community members working to directly meet the needs of neighbors.  If there’s capability in the community, they’ll work to get it done. To date they have connected neighbors with assistance with eldercare, tutoring, fundraising, food assistance, clothing, and more. While always evolving, their organization strives to be broadly abolitionist, anti-capitalist, socialist, and non-hierarchical.

Tacoma Mutual Aid Collective in the Archive

Tacoma Mutual Aid Collective works in solidarity with Tacoma communities to support resource, knowledge, and skill sharing across our neighborhoods.

UW Bothell Pride Alliance in the Archive

Pride Alliance at University of Washington, Bothell is a social, support, and advocacy group committed to creating a safe, respectful space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and pansexual students and their allies at UWB and Cascadia College. They accomplish this through community events and creating queer visibility and safe places on campus.

Washington Dream Coalition COVID-19 Relief Fund for Undocumented Individuals in the Archive

Washington Dream Coalition COVID-19 Relief Fund for Undocumented Individuals is a grassroots, community-led fund created by current and former undocumented young professionals in the Washington Dream Coalition. Launched on March 27, 2020, they’ve successfully raised over $7,000,000 to provide $500-$1000 one-time payments to thousands of undocumented people across Washington state. Thier mission was to provide emergency and recovery financial assistance to undocumented households left out of federal relief efforts and government safety net programs. By August of 2020, they closed their application after 20,000 submissions.

WHEEL (Women’s Housing Equality and Enhancement League) in the Archive

The Women’s Housing, Equality and Enhancement League (WHEEL) is a non-profit and non-hierarchical group of homeless and formerly homeless women working on ending homelessness for women. WHEEL is all about empowerment and action, and works to get women out of the places where they have been hiding, recognize them as an individual, to give voice and leadership to homeless women, to organize campaigns around increased services and safety for women, and to develop and support self-managed shelters.

Young Women Empowered in the Archive

Young Women Empowered provides a community of belonging for young women as they move toward adulthood, identifying college and career interests, and exploring ways to take action as community changemakers. Each year Young Women Empowered directly serve over 700 girls and women and benefit over 2,000 community members. Of current Young Women Empowered youth, 70% are first or second generation immigrants, 85% are of color and 90% are from low-income backgrounds. With learning and leadership programs that center marginalized young women, we provide empowerment programs for young women so that they will become leaders who effect positive change in their communities. In Y-WE, young women find their voices, gain skills, develop self-confidence, expand creative expression, explore educational and career pathways, and forge strong bonds within a dynamic intergenerational and intercultural community. The diversity of the Young Women Empowered community includes differences in race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, immigration status, physical ability, life experience, family status and living circumstances. The organization centers young women who often lack access to leadership programs. For them, this means centering participants who are of color; from immigrant communities; from low-income backgrounds; and who identify as LGBTQIA.


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