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350 Eastside in the Archive

350 Eastside is an environmental justice organization. This chapter focuses on policy, advocacy, education, and creative direct action to ensure a sustainable, viable planet for generations to come. 350 Eastside focuses on renewable energy sources on the eastside and beyond. You can find more information on their website and connect with them on social media. 

Abundance of Hope Center in the Archive

Abundance of Hope Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing services and resources to teach life skills to youth whose lives have been affected by oppression, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, homelessness and abuse. Their founder and executive staff is made up of a family of African American women who have personally faced and overcome many of the same barriers. AHC is committed to inclusion and equity in practices, policy and programming.

Cocoon House in the Archive

Cocoon House is a non-profit organization located in Snohomish County, Washington. Dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness, Cocoon House focuses on helping teens and young adults. It provides outreach to, as well as short and long-term housing for homeless young people ages 12-17 years old. More than just a safe place to sleep, teens receive help engaging in school, preparing for employment and help accessing community services. An important aspect of Cocoon House is their focus on prevention. This includes educating and supporting parents to build safe, structured environments for teens to develop. Parents of teens can also access Cocoon House to gain support for themselves and families so that young people do not become homeless. 

Cocoon House believes that Black Lives Matter and recognizes that there is no way to end youth homelessness without dismantling institutional racism. In response to the movement, their immediate next steps include: a commitment to building a staff capacity and expertise to help drive Equity and Inclusion throughout all aspects of our agency; create and lead strategic measurable actions that ensure Cocoon House is a place where youth, families, staff, and Communities of Color can thrive; Building a Race Equity Culture— one that is focused on proactively counteracting race inequities inside and outside of an organization.

Collegiate Community Transitions in the Archive

Collegiate Community Transitions (CCT) is a student club at the University of Washington Bothell. CCT seeks to create an authentic and uplifting community for students impacted by the criminal justice system. CCT is working to educate all students on the injustice of mass incarceration and to improve on campus educational opportunities for students of this background. Their work aims to offer program support, advocacy, mentorship, and greater access to resources in higher education for students affected by systems of incarceration. With education, recidivism rates are substantially reduced, and every person has the opportunity of fulfilling their dreams.

Community Alliance for Global Justice in the Archive

Community Alliance for Global Justice is an environmental justice organization that focuses on agriculture and trade policies and practices imposed by governments and corporations.  This organization seeks to empower local economies through community education and mobilization of individuals and organizations to promote fair trade practices that embody social justice and sustainability. 

Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County in the Archive

Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County is a private, non-profit organization  providing the only emergency shelter and comprehensive, confidential services to victims of domestic abuse without regard to age, gender, race, religion, culture, national origin, sexual orientation or income level in the area. DVS provides individual and community awareness programs which can affect the social change necessary to eliminate domestic violence throughout Snohomish County, Washington.

Gender Diversity in the Archive

Gender Diversity increases the awareness and understanding of the wide range of gender diversity in children, adolescents, and adults by providing family support, building community, increasing societal awareness, and improving the well-being for people of all gender identities and expressions. It does so by offering and providing school training, workplace training, and health care providing training. The organization works to create safe spaces for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals within institutions.

Ingersoll Gender Center in the Archive

Officially formed in 1977, Ingersoll is one of the oldest organizations by and for transgender and gender nonconforming communities in the United States. Ingersoll Gender Center has been building community, connecting folks to resources and advocating for communities in the Puget Sound region for over four decades. It is run by, and for transgender and gender nonconforming people and its mission is to provide mutual support through peer led support groups, advocacy in navigating resource, community organizing and education—all in the pursuit of collective self-determination. It envisions a world that nurtures healthy communities free from violence, centers self-determination for all people and celebrates all gender identities and expressions.

Out in Front in the Archive

Out in Front fosters the development of effective, engaged, and passionate leaders in order to build a thriving LGBTQ community. They train LGBTQ people of diverse identities and backgrounds on the theories and skills required to be inspirational, accountable, relevant, and inclusive leaders in the movement for social justice and equality. They do this through training, networking, and mentorship. Out In Front strives to provide a diverse look at the ways in which our community works for equality, and the ways our community can more effectively reach out to our friends and allies.

Pan Eros in the Archive

Pan Eros Foundation, formerly known as The Foundation for Sex Positive Culture, promotes personal and cultural acceptance of consensual sexuality through education and the arts. The PEF supports people in finding the type and amount of sexual pleasure that is right for them, respecting the spectrum from asexual to omnisexual. They aim to create a better world by promoting respectful interaction through consent education through their workshops and monthly events.

Reel Grrls in the Archive

Founded in 2001, Reel Grrls, a non-profit organization was the first media arts center in the United States focused on training girls in media production through hands-on workshops and classes taught by feminist media professionals and educators. After 19 years of serving the Seattle area, Reel Grrls will no longer be offering programs for young filmmakers.

Seattle Friends of Tostan in the Archive

Seattle Friends of Tostan empowers African communities to bring about sustainable development and social transformation. Tostan initiated their non-formal learning community because of inspiration by the work of Tostan in West Africa, and work to better understand the education and social change in developing countries and in our own lives. They want to foster interest in the Tostan model of community-based development, expand understanding of how this approach works most effectively, and how to support it.Through this model, they can ensure every person, regardless of age or gender, is able to live a life of dignity.

Skillspire in the Archive

Skillspire is an educational organization on a mission to empower adult students from  under-represented populations, including low-income, women, and minorities to find their place in the growing tech industry. Skillspire also provides a diverse talent pool for employers seeking motivated, skilled, and adaptive talent. Their Founder and CEO, Yasmin Ali, a minority woman from an under-represented community is able to connect and understand the background of the people that Skillspire targets, and has established a growing network of strong relationships as a community activist.

SnoCo Indivisible in the Archive

SnoCo Indivisible is a local Washington chapter of national Indivisible which was galvanized after the 2016 election. They are a group of volunteer citizen activists, advocating for positive legislation, regulations, and government programs to improve our democracy, help the environment, push for immigrant, civil, and all human rights in addition to working toward an enhanced quality of life. They also register people to vote and discuss avenues to becoming active members in the community to invoke positive change.

Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies at UWB in the Archive

Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies (GWSS), historically called Women’s Studies, is a cutting edge interdisciplinary field that examines social and political realities shaped by gender, sexuality, and power. GWSS approaches topics from transnational and intersectional perspectives, enabling students to analyze and address issues of gender, sexuality, and social difference at personal, historical, institutional, and structural levels. GWSS scholars represent a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, and conduct research in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and arts. GWSS at UWB launched a couple of weeks before the 2016 election.

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