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Entre Hermanos in the Archive

Entre Hermanos was started in 1991 through the initiative of a group of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Latinos/as that saw a need for social, educational and health support services in their community. It’s mission is to promote the health and well-being of the Latino Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and questioning community in a culturally appropriate environment. The organization focuses on disease prevention, education, support services, advocacy and community building.

Gender Diversity in the Archive

Gender Diversity increases the awareness and understanding of the wide range of gender diversity in children, adolescents, and adults by providing family support, building community, increasing societal awareness, and improving the well-being for people of all gender identities and expressions. It does so by offering and providing school training, workplace training, and health care providing training. The organization works to create safe spaces for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals within institutions.

Gender Justice League in the Archive

Gender Justice League is a gender and sexuality civil and human rights organization. They seek to empower transgender and gender diverse people to eliminate discrimination and prejudice based on sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in Washington State. Through focus on grassroots activism such as creating Trans Pride Seattle, as well as through advocacy, and by participating in HUGs Food Pantry to deliver food to transgender and nonbinary people of Thurston County. 

Ingersoll Gender Center in the Archive

Officially formed in 1977, Ingersoll is one of the oldest organizations by and for transgender and gender nonconforming communities in the United States. Ingersoll Gender Center has been building community, connecting folks to resources and advocating for communities in the Puget Sound region for over four decades. It is run by, and for transgender and gender nonconforming people and its mission is to provide mutual support through peer led support groups, advocacy in navigating resource, community organizing and education—all in the pursuit of collective self-determination. It envisions a world that nurtures healthy communities free from violence, centers self-determination for all people and celebrates all gender identities and expressions.

Lavender Rights Project in the Archive

Lavender Rights Project advances a more just and equitable society by providing low-cost civil legal services and community programming centered in values of social justice for trans and queer low-income people and other marginalized communities. Founded in 2016 by queer and trans attorneys, this organization centers their services on queer and trans community members who are also people of color, low income, and/or facing additional intersecting forms of marginalization and misrepresentation.

LGBTQ Allyship in the Archive

LGBTQ Allyship is made up of LGBTQ+ and allies who seek to work in solidarity with marginalized communities to understand the interconnectedness of oppression and to support the systematic liberation of all people. LGBTQ Allyship believe that all oppressions are interconnected and in the possibility of a future world free of oppression. Social justice, fairness, compassion, democracy, accountability, anti-racism and transparency are all reflected within the organizational structure, activism, strategies and practices.

Northwest Network in the Archive

Founded in 1987 by lesbian survivors of battering, the NW Network works to end abuse in our diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities. This organization focuses on the empowerment of all survivors of abuse through education, organizing and advocacy. Their work is dedicated to social and economic justice, equality and respect for all people and the creation of loving, inclusive and accountable communities. 

Out in Front in the Archive

Out in Front fosters the development of effective, engaged, and passionate leaders in order to build a thriving LGBTQ community. They train LGBTQ people of diverse identities and backgrounds on the theories and skills required to be inspirational, accountable, relevant, and inclusive leaders in the movement for social justice and equality. They do this through training, networking, and mentorship. Out In Front strives to provide a diverse look at the ways in which our community works for equality, and the ways our community can more effectively reach out to our friends and allies.

Powerful Voices in the Archive

With a fully femme, womxn, non-binary staff of color, Powerful Voices aims to create a space where young girls of color can feel brave enough to share their truths amongst themselves and then the world. Since 1995, this organization has created gender-specific, social justice programs for 11-19 year olds so that they can be equipped with communal knowledge and platforms to speak up. This organization works with the community to reframe what it looks like to support and be led by young people.

Radical Women in the Archive

Radical Women is a trailblazing socialist feminist, grassroots activist organization that provides a radical, revolutionary voice within the feminist movement, a feminist voice within the Left, and trains women to be leaders in the movements for social and economic justice. Immersed in the daily fight against racism, sexism, homophobia, and labor exploitation, RW believes in multi-issue organizing around the needs of the most oppressed. RW is an autonomous, all-women’s group, united on the basis of shared socialist feminist ideals.

UW Bothell Gender Equity Club in the Archive

Gender Equity is a club at University of Washington Bothell composed of students who are dedicated to working together to promote Gender Equity campus. The club’s mission is to promote a safe community where centralized resources and open dialogue will support gender equity for all. Through discussion-based learning, on-campus events and partnerships with ally student organizations, Gender Equity advocates for UW Bothell to work toward supporting an inclusive, gender equitable campus environment for students, faculty and staff. Gender Equity is for establishing a space on campus where students can safely and openly discuss issues of gender equality and diversity.

UW Bothell Pride Alliance in the Archive

Pride Alliance at University of Washington, Bothell is a social, support, and advocacy group committed to creating a safe, respectful space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and pansexual students and their allies at UWB and Cascadia College. They accomplish this through community events and creating queer visibility and safe places on campus.

WSU Queer People of Color and Allies in the Archive

Queer Intersections Association WSU Queer People of Color and Allies (QPOCA) is a safe space for WSU students, staff, faculty, and community members to discuss the issues Queer People of Color encounter at WSU and in the greater community. As a collective, they strive to learn along side one another about the multiple ways they can support Queer People of Color. Queer People Of Color and Allies is an intersectional organizations that specifically focuses on issues that encompass Queer folxs of colors experience. They try to emphasize transgender, gender nonconforming, disability, mental health, differing forms of queer experiences, and mobilizing a queer theory not just identity. A space where people can exist as their full selves while their humanity is celebrated and supported.

Young Women Empowered in the Archive

Young Women Empowered provides a community of belonging for young women as they move toward adulthood, identifying college and career interests, and exploring ways to take action as community changemakers. Each year Young Women Empowered directly serve over 700 girls and women and benefit over 2,000 community members. Of current Young Women Empowered youth, 70% are first or second generation immigrants, 85% are of color and 90% are from low-income backgrounds. With learning and leadership programs that center marginalized young women, we provide empowerment programs for young women so that they will become leaders who effect positive change in their communities. In Y-WE, young women find their voices, gain skills, develop self-confidence, expand creative expression, explore educational and career pathways, and forge strong bonds within a dynamic intergenerational and intercultural community. The diversity of the Young Women Empowered community includes differences in race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, immigration status, physical ability, life experience, family status and living circumstances. The organization centers young women who often lack access to leadership programs. For them, this means centering participants who are of color; from immigrant communities; from low-income backgrounds; and who identify as LGBTQIA.

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