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Badass Womxn & Enbies in the Pacific Northwest: Volume 3

Cover of Badass Womxn Vol 3

In the third volume of Badass Womxn and Enbies in the Pacific Northwest, we celebrate 36 biographies and portraits of individuals conducting badass work amongst their diverse fields. Led by Dr. Shayne, University of Washington Bothell librarians Penelope Wood and Denise Hattwig, and peer facilitator Bri Fero, undergraduate students collaborated to curate this amazing digital mosaic!

Read the zine online!

How did we do it? Watch the students’ videos about making the zine!

Badass Womxn & Enbies in the Pacific Northwest: Volume 2

“Badass Womxn & Enbies in the PNW Vol. 2” by Anika Gopez and Anonymouse.

In the second volume of Badass Womxn and Enbies in the Pacific Northwest, we celebrate 21 individuals doing incredible work in their diverse fields. Organised into a timeline, this zine will take you through hidden histories to honor our inspirational badasses from 1870 to present. Led by Dr Shayne, librarians Penelope Wood and Denise Hattwig and peer facilitator John Emerton, undergraduate students from the University of Washington Bothell collaborated in a Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies class to present this fabulous zine!

Read the zine online!

Badass Womxn in the Pacific Northwest: Volume 1

“Badass Womxn in the Pacific Northwest” by zine artists.

This zine is a collection of biographies and portraits of badass womxn in the Pacific Northwest. Undergraduate students collaborated to create this resource that fuses multilingual poetry, art, and writing to celebrate and honor some of the strongest people you might not have heard of. It was created in an interdisciplinary gender, women & sexuality studies classroom led by Professor Julie Shayne, librarians Penelope Wood and Denise Hattwig, and peer facilitator Nicole Carter.

Read the zine online!

How did we do it? Watch the students’ video about making the zine!

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