It reminds me of thinking outside the box when it comes to creative thinking. Creative thinking allows me to look at things from a new perspective and drive innovation. I find that doing assignments that require creativity is a memorable and enjoyable experience since I tend to put more thoughts and effort into the work I’m doing; it becomes meaningful to me when I finish it. Creative thinking seems to come and go for me because there are times when I get creative with certain assignments, and sometimes that creativity disappears. I think it has to do with my understanding of the topic that I’m learning; if I have a great understanding of that topic, it will increase my creativity. When that happens, I often change my mind while working on the assignment because new ideas keep coming up, and I have to rearrange my plan. Creative thinking skills are essential in learning because they encourage people to express themselves uniquely and raise new visions.

Shared by: Tran

Item Credit: Scott Bakal