A habit is a behavioral pattern we constantly repeat, sometimes it’s good, and other times it can be bad. This is a pattern we don’t really recognize right away but the longer we have it, depending on the habit, it can become harmful to us. Even though such habits can be hard to break the longer we have them, it’s not impossible. For example, when I was younger I had a bad habit of not making my bed in the morning so in order to break this bad habit, the first thing I did once I awake was make my bed and it didn’t matter if I had the time or not, I still did it. Over time, I would do it without even thinking about it. I chose this artifact to prove my point, habits can be very hard to break but we still have a choice. We can change or remain in our bad habits but we also must be aware in the future of the kind of habits we adopt.

Shared by: Mel G

Item Credit: Anand Damani