I had issues with time management in my life, always whenever there was some sort of distraction within my reach. This is especially true for me as we are learning remotely means it’s easier and having more opportunities to be distracted. When I reach for my phone I know I’m going to have a hard time returning to what I’m supposed to be doing when I woke up that day.

One way to keep myself disciplined is with sticky notes. Sticky notes everywhere, on my phone, desk, computer and even walls trying to motivate me to not get distracted. Another way that I keep up with my time management was to have a planner in use to keep track of what is due and when, and it did help in keeping me up to date on my assignments, but I was still frequently being tempted to do something more fun. Having sticky notes that remind me of why I’m doing this work and to motivate me not to reach for something more fun helps me stay on schedule from the numerous assignments due at the end of every week this quarter.