Feminism, Gender, and Revolution in the Global South

Global South communities and cultures have often been overlooked by history and those who write it. In these student-made exhibits, hear the stories stifled by history of feminist journalism, female generals and soldaderas (female soldiers), and the echoed cry of “socialism without sexism” from women of the global south, the queer Latinx community, and social economic revolutionaries.


"Women in India: Power in Unity, Power Alone" by Andrea Guerrero | "Women in the Mexican Revolution" by Bianca Ramirez-Teofilo | "Latinx Feminism" by Martin Arriaga & Mariana Marban-Maldonado | “LGBTQ+ Feminists Movements in Mexico” by anonymous | “The Religious Regression of Gender Equity in the Philippines” by Chelsey Ficke | "Women in Southeast Asia and feminism" by Marissa Le and Alina Luy