Mental Health


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 Why is the group that I chose to research important?

Taking a look at the photo above, you may have seen or heard some of these words or sentences being used in different environments, such as school or even the workplace. Some of you may have even been the victim of these phrases or have seen someone else as the victim. I have been against bullying for as long as I can remember. I could never stand people being picked on and feeling as though they are worthless because of who they are. I have been in fights with many bullies growing up, either when they would bully someone else, or when they would try and pick on me. I have seen people stand by idly, and watch these events continue, instead of stepping in to halt the situation. I believe that is the reason this organization caught my eye. They want to create change, and inspire others to stand up for one another, and at the same time, celebrate and express ourselves for who we are.

History and purpose of Free2Luv

Free2Luv is a nonprofit organization that was created in response to our youth. Our youth being young children, to teens, and then to young adults. The youth today is under a lot stress. As the about page on their website puts it, “Now more than ever – in schools, in our communities and online – kids are struggling with bullying, intolerance, emotional distress, identity issues, self-loathing, and self-harm”.

Who do they serve?

Free2Luv serves the youth who are going through a variety of struggles. Their about page hosts a variety of statistics showcasing the consequences of the stress that the youth currently goes through. One of these statistics being, “1-3 children report they’ve been bullied at school – and 30% admit to bullying others”. Or in regards to a youth’s struggle with their identity, another statistic displayed is that “Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers – transgender youth, nearly 12 times as likely”.  Free2Luv’s efforts are through a variety of arts

What programs do they offer?

Free2Luv’s programs are presented through a variety of  arts. These arts can be interactive, such as through song and dance. Or they can be presented through plays or short films. Using a variety of art, they visit schools, community centers, and festivals to impact the youth. At the same time, they create a safe and inclusive space to give people the courage to speak out and about their experiences, as their official Youtube channel does just that. Their uploads are various PSA’s and stories from a variety of people.

What could they do better?

I believe they can improve their relevancy on the internet. Their Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube channel following is nothing to scoff at, but I do think if they could find a way to improve their internet following, it would bring in a lot more attention to their organization. There are so many of us that use social media everyday. And that is a whole lot of potential supporters.

Was their information accessible?

Some of Free2Luv’s information requires a bit of digging. I didn’t really know who exactly the founders were until I did a bit more research. So the extra step to learn more could be considered a red flag, as the more simpler and readily available the information is, the more the ease of access will be.

What other organizations do similar work?

Some other organizations that do similar work are Active Minds , and The Jed Foundation.

Works Cited

Sandis , T., & Sandis , K. (2020, December 25). About us: We take the bullied to brave. Free2Luv. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from