Gender Justice

Legal voice

I choose to investigate Legal Voice because as much as advocating for women’s rights and trying to help us move forward to more equal times, it’s not something that will happen overnight and many legal actions will be needed to take place. This can start by changing and implementing laws that will help women feel safer in communities as well as being able to hold those who discriminate against them in any way accountable, especially with the law.

The legal case Blair v. Washington State University has kicked off the start of demanding equality in 1978. This was something done by Legal Voice and what kickstarted everything up until now. This organization aids women and LGBTQ+ people in Washington state with ensuring access to healthcare, advancing in economic justice, helping families, protecting reproductive rights, defeating discrimination, and so much more. One of the many core values mentioned on the website that I believe is important is, “Inclusion: We recognize that the legal system has harmed people who are marginalized by race, class, immigration status, gender identity, sexual orientation, youth, and other statuses. We strive to ensure that the people most affected by injustices have a voice finding the solutions” (About Us).

They take the responsibility to help create a better society for women and LGBTQ+ people long-term. There are teams provided to help women get through many situations which require any legal advice, help, and resources around them. These teams are set to be something women can lean on and feel safe and protected within. Not only does Legal Voice give women something to lean on but this organization is powerful and carries a lot of strength with them which is why they are constantly working towards legal action. Constantly updating the victories and current action that is being taken on the website as well as giving resources to anyone in need. It’s a place where women can feel involved and not only can get help for themselves as well as others in need, there are many volunteer opportunities as well. While we are in a pandemic currently with Covid-19 the website provides you with the means to face issues related to this current global situation. They also provide those in need of getting questions answered with a FAQ page.

Although everything on the website is helpful and organized I would like to know about the founders of this organization more personally as well as the people who help others in taking legal action. It helps to know these women, who I’m guessing started this advocating organization, more personally.

Information was very accessible, everything was easy to find if you go based on the keywords and topics you’re looking to find. Not only are their main topics such as resources, about, volunteering, contact, event, and news easy to find it lists many in detail topics on the side panels for more in-depth research. In many cases, websites can have information all over the place and it’s hard to find what you’re looking for, not in this case. A lot of websites also have too much unnecessary information and don’t get straight to the point, this is once again not one of these websites. Everything is labeled down to the dot which is very accommodating.

Some other organizations that are doing similar work and are in contact with Legal Voice are:

API Chaya “Advocacy and support services for API survivors of abuse” (Gender-Based Violence Help).
King County Sexual Assault Resource Center
: “Offers sexual-assault related services” (Gender-Based Violence Help).


Levenstein , L. (2020, September 29). The forgotten origins of “women’s rights are human rights”. OpenGlobalRights. Retrieved November 3, 2021, from

Legal voice. Legal Voice. (n.d.). Retrieved November 3, 2021, from